9,786,010 Reasons to Do Broken Link Building

I have been pretty open about my excitement regarding scalable broken link building, and many of you have read my piece The Broken Link Building Bible over at SEOMoz recently, but I wanted to share some statistics with you that I was able to draw out of Garrett French and his tool at brokenlinkbuilding.com. They are pretty exciting.

  1. Since its inception back in October of 2012, brokenlinkbuilding.com has discovered nearly 10,000,000 broken link opportunities. This is pretty amazing. The tool, which is still not nearly as popular as it should be, has managed to discover millions of straight-forward, link building opportunities.
  2. 8269448 of those backlink opportunities come from 404 pages with over 100 backlinks. This is huge in terms of conversion opportunities, because it means that for each single resource you recreate, you have an opportunity to go after hundreds of links.
  3. There are over 14,000 404 pages in the system with more than 100 unique linking domains.
  4. 142,088 backlink opportunities with 100+ links and an onTopic score of B and 29651 with a score of A – meaning 99% relevant, which means…
  5. On average, every single keyword returns at least 1 highly relevant, 100+ unique linking domain opportunity
  6. Which means that, even if you have a meager 2% conversion rate on your campaigns, you just got 2 permanent, natural links for $6.70.

These numbers are astounding for a product that is, frankly, still brand new. The reason why the numbers are so shocking is that we have nearly 2 decades of broken resources built up. This is a veritable link building gold rush.

So What Does This Mean for Me

Honestly, I think everyone has 2 choices.

  1. Start broken link building on your own, either following the steps in the BLBB or using a tool like Garrett’s
  2. Or hire an agency to do it for you. Any agency worth a grain of salt should be in on this method, Virante surely is.

What isn’t an option is not doing broken link building – and here is why. Broken link building is only slightly a renewable resource. The best opportunities can and will be taken by someone in your niche. Time is of the essence.


  1. Earl Grey
    Jul 13, 2014

    As always your post was superb

  2. Marty Rogers
    Jul 25, 2014

    I was a bit worried when I first saw this page title – I was preparing to restart my computer after the browser collapsed and brought my desktop down with it – haha. Very clever indeed.


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