Marketing Pilgrim and Other Useful Blogs

A crucial daily exercise in this industry is reading the daily news blogs. Staying informed of the latest news is critical in staying on top of trends and pulling together an amalgamation of insight when it comes time to take action. There are several great ones out there but one in particular has inspired me to lay down my list of favorites; Marketing Pilgrim. They are running a contest over there for $500 bucks not to mention a back link just for entering. (Must have ‘link-juice’! Not to mention I like the ‘link buying’ tactic Andy is using.) The question to be answered; “Why do I read Marketing Pilgrim?” Easy enough: to stay informed. I really like what Andy Beal has to say, it resonates with me and taps into what I instinctually feel about the market place. It’s relevant and insightful and I don’t feel like I’m wasting what little time I have during the day reading it.

I have quite a few blogs RSS’d into my iGoogle page. In fact I have 6 themed tabs; News, SEO, CPC/PPC, Social Marketing, Marketing & Advertising, and Analytics. The Marketing Pilgrim in the first blog in my Marketing & Advertising tab.

Top 5’s in all my tabs:

News: CNN, Google News, Business, Technology, AP

SEO: SEOMoz, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Round Table, Matt Cutts, Gray Hat Search Engine News

Social Networks: Digg, Reddit, Stumble Upon,, Slashdot

CPC: The Big 3 Blogs, Search Engine Marketing Blog, PPC Discussions, The Adventures of PPC Hero,

Marketing & Advertising: Marketing Pilgrim, ClickZ, Marketing Shift, Marketing VOX, Rimm-Kaufman Group

Analytics: Occam’s Razor, Core Metrics, Webanalytics Yahoo! Group, Analytics Talk, Unofficial Google Analytics Blog

These are just a few of the blogs that I try and read when I can. I must mention that I receive quite a few email subscriptions as well such as Online Media, Search Insider, Marketing Daily, and so on.

Are there others you would recommend?

1 Comment

  1. roguespammer
    Nov 26, 2007

    Marketing Pilgrim posts too much non relevant stuff.

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