Simple PageRank User Script

This is a RePost after we lost some stories from our db.

As an avid user of the Opera browser, one of my long time difficulties has been the lack of a Google Toolbar. Frankly, the only thing I am interested in on that toolbar is to see the TBPR (toolbar PR). So, without further adieu, here is a simple UserScript for seeing the PageRank. This will drop a little image in the upper left of each page you visit with the PageRank. When you mouse over the image, it disappears so you can get to any of the navigation that might be blocked by the image.

// ==UserScript==<br />
// @name PR for Opera<br />
// @description Shows PageRank for Opera in Right Hand Corner. Disappears when you mouse over it.<br />
// ==/UserScript==<br />
if(parent.frames.length == 0) {</p>
<p> var imgURL = ";url="+location.href;</p>
<p> var operaprimg = document.createElement('img');<br />
operaprimg.setAttribute("src",imgURL);<br />
operaprimg.setAttribute("id","operaPRimg");<br />
operaprimg.setAttribute("onMouseOver","'none';");<br />
<p> document.body.appendChild(operaprimg);</p>
<p> var oprobj = document.getElementById('operaPRimg');<br />'absolute';<br />'100';<br />'3px';<br />'3px';</p>

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