Get em’ All – How to Grab All the Keywords for All the Results

Building a comprehensive keyword set can be daunting some times. There are so many potential keywords out there and trying to find every variation can be a nightmare. Well, hopefully the nightmares are gone with this new bookmarklet that comes with SERPScape. The process is simple. Install bookmarklet Search for your keyword Press bookmarklet Get CSV of every keyword that the URLs on the page rank for

Google Showing Bias Towards .org TLDs

A bit of history: Of the many uses that Google’s webmaster tools offers, I think the most profound use is the ability to get sites easily indexed into Google without the use of links. While Google, like many search engines, has long allowed webmasters to “submit” their sites to be spidered, webmaster tools makes this easier while providing more robust data. Essentially, in our endless quest to uncover what is behind Google’s ranking algorithm we finally have a good way to control “links” in the equation. Links make experimentation difficult. It is nearly impossible to create 2 identically valued links for the purpose of testing. (This is actually possible now, as well; and we will be using a technique to test out the...

Google SERP Click-Through Rates

Thanks to AOL, SEO’s and other marketers now have access to the search records of over 500,000 users collected over a 3 month period after AOL accidentally released massive amounts of data.   This dataset contained over 36 million search queries and tracked 19 million clickthroughs.   We know that AOL search is a repackaging of Google’s Search, so we can assume most of this data applies to how users behave with Google’s search as well. The real benefit here is that we now have data that allows us to view the clickthrough percentages of users on each search engine result.   The guys over at RedCardinal crunched the numbers, and have provided the following charts which we can use to make more educated decisions in our search engine optimization...