Raleigh On Rails Conference.

Every now and then something comes along that you realize you have to know or you are going to fall behind. A few years back it was XML (essential in many web services), then the last 2 years it was Mod_Rewrite (essential for Google), and I think this one is going to be equally big. While I, admittedly, know very little about it, from what I have read and from people I trust, this is the future of rapid online development. Anyway, if you are like me and need to get a jump start, I would check out the local RaleighOnRails conference… http://www.raleighonrails.com/ put together by NotSleepy (a fantastic SEO / Online Marketer located in Raleigh). It’s not the cheapest thing in the world, but it has already lined up a top notch speaker/trainer/writer....

Google IP Indexing…

I have noticed this lately but don’t really know whats up – any ideas from the community… The example below is Dictionary.com being indexed by its IP. While it does not appear to be affecting the rankings, it is certainly interesting that this has occured. What would cause Google to show your IP rather than your domain name? Do we need to start writing redirects from IPs to domains as well? So, to all 7 people who actually read this blog with any regularity, what do you think about it? Any SEO implications, or does it not really matter for search engine optimization.

Using Google as a Top 10 List – The Power of SEO

After being in the SEO industry for about 2-3 years (at Virante, Inc), and the online industry for nearly a decade, I was growing wary of folks who claim that Search Engine Optimization is dead. Traditional marketers, ethics addicts, and stingy business folks have joined in a chorus that Google has won the game of SEO. Similarly, I got sick and tired of posting top 5 lists to my own blog. Sure, everyone loves them (especially digg), but wouldn’t it be better to post your own top 5 list to Google instead? So, not only would you prove that SEO is very much alive, but you could use Google as a platform to dispell the SEO myths altogether. So, here it goes, my top 5 reasons that you should avoid SEO. Or, if you want to do it the long way, just search google for...

Digg.com Duplicate Content Issue…

While webmasters around the world still remain frustrated at Google’s inability to understand that www.site.com and site.com are by-and-large, identical, it appears that Digg.com never got the memo. Luckily, this helps us put into perspective exactly how out of hand it can get. Right now, digg.com is showing about 1.5 million duplicate content pages due to not establishing a site-wide redirect from www.digg.com/{anything} to digg.com/{anything} Google cached for digg.com: 6.69 million http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Adigg.com Google cached for www.digg.com: 1.42 million http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Awww.digg.com Duplication Example: Digg’s Privacy Page...

▷▷ Arrows Showing in Google Results

Want to know how to put arrows next to your title in your Google Results??? Leave it to the spammers to find special characters that get through to Google search results page. Currently, the ▷ is showing as arrows in Google’s serps. You can see this by searching for cheap phentermine. While previously it was possible to get arrows to show up for listings in MSN, this is the first example I have seen on Google. SEOs (search engine optimizers) can use arrows can draw attention to listings and increase click through rates. I am sure that Google will fix this soon enough.

Top Travel Gadgets

Top Travel Gadgets. Wow. I have about 3 of these, got to get the rest. Pretty amazing stuff. Normally I hate these types of posts just because they are filled with things that are incredibly useless, expensive or both. This travel gadget list however looks a lot better (and useful for that matter). I did not even know they made digital luggage. That is pretty awesome! Anyone else know of any amazing travel gadgets out there?