LinkFromDomain, MSN, and New Tool…
So, finally one of the search engines decided to add a linkfromdomain: command. This is incredibly useful as it allows sites to tell who they are linking to, which in turn can be used for all kinds of useful things such as… Bad Neighborhood Tools: Percentage Reciprocating: This will check the first 100 links in MSN for your site and tell if they are not indexed by google (an indication of banning). Thank you MSN.
Virante in Wall Street Journal
While we are proud to call ourselves the the SEO firm of entrepreneurs, it is not every day that such an assertion is validated by the Wall Street Journal. Kelly Spors, a staff reporter of The Wall Street Journal tapped Virante, Inc. CEO Ryan Allis to discuss some of the issues regarding SEO for fledgling businesses in the WSJ Startup Journal (the “center for entrepreneurs”. The story is available online, but was also published in the September 26th edition of the Wall Street Journal. It was also nice to hear from one of our former clients and a fantastic success story, Jim Kitchen with Spring Break Travel. They do great work over there.
Interview at Sootle
Check out my seo interview over at Sootle.
Google at Catholic University
Being one of the few web marketers able to squeeze into Google’s talk at Catholic University for government web managers, I thought it would be prudent to take a few minutes to explain some of the things that came out of the event. Introduction: As part of a series of seminars and training sessions for government web masters and web managers, FirstGov was able to secure Google’s “Search Evangelist” Adam Lasnik to offer SEO tips. This was the first of its kind and, while Adam did a nice job, there were certainly a handful of “technical difficulties” that come hand and hand any time a technology professional touches a computer with Microsoft Powerpoint on it. Nevertheless, there were a few interesting tidbits to come out of the...
Renter or Owner…
People have often asked me what is the functional difference is between PPC and SEO. I think the Rent or Own analogy works well. People who rely on PPC for traffic are renters. There is nothing wrong with this and it certainly has its perks. You can start and stop renting at any time – no waiting for a house to be built. On the otherhand, you are always paying someone else’s mortgage. SEO on the otherhand, is more like ownership. Sure, your house could be blown away by a storm or destroyed by fire. But, if you maintain it well, and don’t take too many risks, you can save a lot of money and get A LOT MORE HOUSE. You can always go back to renting if it doesn’t work out for you. So, are you a renter or an owner?
LinkSleeve Spam Link Filter Updated…
Just wanted to let everyone know that LinkSleeve (SLV) has been updated and the server upgraded. We are now blocking thousands of link spam comments and forum posts daily! Of course, it works better the more people use it. Please check out to learn more. It is and always will be free.
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