96.6% of Wikipedia Pages Rank in Google’s Top 10
While everyone has noticed Wikipedia dominating Google’s search results, this is a little outrageous. After grabbing 600 random pages from Wikipedia (using their special:random link), I conducted searches in Google for each of the titles of the Wikipedia entries. Out of the 600, 580 were in the top 10. Wikipedia EntryTop 10? Czechoslovakia at the 1960 Summer Olympicsyes Jefferson Parkyes Unity Dayyes St. John Vianney High School (New Jersey)yes Veil of Darknessno Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. v. Public Service Commissionno Al-Fakik (crater)yes Group keyno Driver Hearingyes Black Lipsyes William Shakespearyes Comparative governmentyes Robert J. Whiteyes Lila Bell Wallaceyes William Dodd (Congressional candidate)yes Star (glyph)yes Kathleen...
Proof Your SEO Company Stinks.
After David Naylor pointed out a site that had custom file extensions of “.seo” I decided to take a look at how common this obviously terrible practice is, expecting to find the audit trail of one stupid SEO firm. I was wrong. Grossly wrong. Take a look yourself: pages with a “.seo” file extension in google. Over 400,000.
The Great Search Engine Hypocrisy
The clearest, most consistent opinion voiced by the major search engines to webmasters is this… Show the bots what you show your users. It is a fairly simple proposition that has been applied to the vast majority of grey and black hat search technologies: cloaking, ip-delivery, doorway pages, and keyword stuffing. Essentially every type of search spam, even link spam tangentially, relates to this premise. So let’s look at the latest incarnations of search engine hypocrisy waged by both Google and Yahoo. 1. The NoFollow Tag. Originally, webmasters were held accountable for each and every outbound link. The industry even developed a name for the unfavorable sites which webmasters should avoid linking: “bad neighborhoods”. While websites were...
Website Launch Flowchart
With our roots in the entrepreneurial world, we frequently get involved with clients at the very beginning of both their business and website. To be as helpful as possible, we thought ‘wouldn’t it be nice to have something visual that shows everything we intend to do”. Off we went to our trusty search engines, searching for things like website design, website development and our new favorite ‘website launch’. While there were some fairly straightforward charts for website design, nothing really captured the essence of what we do – take people from nothing to fully functional websites that are capable of generating income. So we put together the website launch flowchart – what we refer to internally as our optimized design...
Hosting Tips for SEO
Probably 40% of the clients we see require a change of hosting company (or hosting plan). Search engine optimization is not about title tags and keyword frequency anymore. In fact, those 2 mean less than ever in a successful SEO campaign. So what are the requirements of good SEO Hosting? Here are a handful of features we look for in recommending a host to our clients… 1. USE Linux Apache MySQL PHP For a large number of reasons (availability of free software, usage of htaccess and mod-rewrite, ease of community support, etc), don’t get Windows hosting. You can argue about this with me later, but you will be wrong. And people will laugh at you. 2. GET Unique IP(s) While there is limited evidence regarding the matter, it is generally a good idea to go...
Google changes html output again
Replaced <a class=l href= with <a href=… class=l> for all you scrapers out there.
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