Reduced Click Area Yields Lower Profits

Due to a shocking  below-expectations profits margin for the fourth Quarter, Google saw shares tumble, losing $11,000,000,000 in market value (yes, that is $11 Billion!). While I am certain that the down-turning economy played at least some role, I think that a new ad-system by Google may have also been responsible. In the final quarter of 2007, Google altered that ad-block for its popular cash-cows, Ad-Sense and Ad-Words, allowing only the title itself to be “clickable”. Previously, any part of the advertisement – the Title, Description, or Display URL – would trigger a hit if clicked upon by the user. As was outlined by the good folks at Efficient Frontier, and certainly backed up by our own statistics over especially the December...

It Sucks to Have Friends in High Places

Meet Matt Cutts at WebmasterWorld. Draw attention to yourself with Matt Cutts posts. Forget to remove some of your “experiments” and “research” before the ensuing Googler traffic. See your Google traffic tank

The Problem with Personal Search

The hypothesis of personal search is that by looking at a users history, we can better predict, filter, and present search results. It is this thesis that has driven major search engines Google, Yahoo, and MSN to push the boundaries of privacy concerns to tailor their search results to each individual. I believe there are some inherent problems with Personal Search – not in it’s execution, but in the very premise upon which it is based, that people want personalized search results. Consistency Breeds Trust: The most obvious shortcoming of personal search is that it delivers different search results to different people. As a search engine marketer, I have dealt for years with clients who are befuddled that different Google datacenters could cause their...

Stumbleupon Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability

While I have previously identified XSS and/or CSRF vulnerabilities in both Digg and Reddit, Stumbleupon has largely remained innocuous to these types of attacks for multiple reasons. First, the primary method of user-login and authentication is through the toolbar, which makes it substantially harder for malicious javascript intercept. Furthermore, because many of the many valuable user functions are triggered through the individual’s personal subdomain ( and, it becomes quite difficult to execute complex functions such as auto-voting or friend-adding. That being said, there are still work arounds that exist. In the proof of concept I was able to execute, the vector of attack was the invitefriends.php file which does...

Holiday Spam Splurge

Some of you might not remember this, but Virante runs an anti-linkspam tool called LinkSleeve which allows you to easily filter link spam from any online application (blog, forum, guestbook, wiki, etc.) The tool is very similar to Akismet (in fact, it was released on the exact same day as Akismet years ago). However, it does not require an API and uses XML-RPC rather than REST. Regardless, we experienced an interesting, headache-inducing phenomena over Christmas. While it is nearly impossible to determine if just a handful of spammers were responsible for the surge, we noticed a nearly 46% increase in link spam generated over the last 3 days. The variety of sources indicated that it was at least a handful of spammers, but it is difficult to determine if this was...

New Google Strategy to Stop Effective SEO’s