Should I Make a Flash Site? Flash Website Flowchart.

One of the most common questions that I get asked by web designers and web site owners is whether or not they should create all flash websites. The process of making the decision about flash web sites for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes is actually quite difficult, so I took the time to create a flow chart on whether or not you should create an all flash web site. As you can see, it gets pretty complicated, but hopefully you can apply this flash website flowchart the next time you are trying to decide whether or not you should create a flash web site.

Google Auctions XSS Proof of Concept

Note: Google has now fixed the vulnerability. After a recent article by the folks at which seemingly downplayed the severity and danger posed by XSS (cross site scripting), I thought it pertinent to help elucidate just how powerful XSS can be. The vast majority of XSS proof-of-concepts are limited to simple javascript alerts. When visiting an XSS injected url, you see some pop up that warns you of the vulnerability. This is substantial enough for professionals to understand the severity of the injection, but to the average web user it seems no more dangerous than any other pop up they encounter. The truth is, however, that XSS is an extremely powerful method through which a criminal can rely on the trust a user... banned by Google

In an amazing ridiculous action, Google has banned the internet staple, This has got to be another caching bug that has been plaguing Google’s datacenters for the last several weeks. Good Work Google! We discussed this issue thoroughly in the post on Google’s caching problems. While the command continues to work, the direct referal search of or fails. This is of particular interest considering a large number of surfers place the url directly into the Google search toolbar when trying to access a page....

Google’s Cache Broken

Google has seen substantial fluctuations, alterations, etc. over the last several months as the Big-Daddy roll-out has occurred. It appears, however, that among the many things that have buckled under this system is the cache. Our example site is Destination Villas, a popular vacation rental listing site. (1) First, we start with the to show all the pages Google has listed for the site. If you notice, Google lists over 100 pages to the site, including the homepage, for which Google claims to have a cache. (2) Second, we click on the “cache” link and, sure enough, it is there. (3) Third, we start checking other Google results, such as simply searching for Oops! It looks like Google lost that...

Improvements to Google Adsense

(1) Security and Privacy Google Adsense Bowling is growing in notoriety primarily because it is so simple. There are two ways to accomplish this: implicate the Adsense publisher in click-fraud by generating false clicks for that publisher, or grotesquely violate the TOS by posting Adsense code in places it shouldn’t be (to vulnerable guestbooks, forums, in spam emails, etc). Google could increase the security and privacy of publishers by implementing the following. a. Site Tokens Instead of using a publisher ID, Adsense publishers could generate site-tokens that would allow the AdSense code to only work on that particular domain. This way, malicious users could not use the second method mentioned above by posting AdSense to alternate sites in manners that...

Top Searches Google Should Suppress

I am opposed to censorship, but I also support privacy rights. Google’s massive database of anything and everything coupled with powerful search technologies have utterly destroyed privacy as we once knew it. An entire community of Google-Enabled hacking and mayhem has arisen around the search giant, including the popular . Below, I have compiled a list of the top 8 searches that Google should suppress to protect privacy of millions of people across the internet. I am sure some people will be upset by the information below. I haven’t let the cat out of the bag, this information has been available for nefarious characters for years, it just really has not been talked about enough. So, in no meaningful order, here we go… 1....