I RickRolled 25,000 People.
If there were an island, named RickRollia, inhabited by wouldbe rickrollers, I would be the king of that island. If there were a “lifetime achievement” award, or perhaps a “living legacy” trophy for RickRolling, I would win it. And, perhaps, they would rename it to the Russ Jones RickRolled Award of Excellence, which they would then give out in the future to those who aspire to my torchbearing greatness. Why do you I say this? What have I done to deserve such RickRolling glory? I rickrolled Reddit. If you are not familiar with reddit, it is much like Digg.com, only it doesn’t suck. Reddit allows you to vote up or down on stories submitted by their users. Stories are then “promoted” to the first page if they receive a...
Google & Matt Cutts Get it Wrong: First Priority Should Be Webmasters
While Matt Cutts promised us that his recent post would be “boring”, I believe that it actually raised one of the most important questions regarding search ethics: Our highest duty has to be to our users, not to an individual webmaster.Matt Cutts Unfortunately, Matt and the Googlers get this one very wrong. All relationships require some form of give and take. For a relationship to be properly functioning, it requires that consent be a prerequisite in that give and take. The balance of give-and-take between users and Google is heavily tilted towards the user. In exchange for the possibility of me clicking on an advertisement at some point, with no promises, I can use Google’s search. The goods being exchanged here are search results and...
Smarter Short URLs
As an avid user of tinyurl.com for a long time, I realized how cumbersome the process had gotten. If I wanted to make it easy, I would have to install some sort of extension – most of which did not work on the myriad browsers I use (on any given day, I will use Opera, IE, and Firefox. On a bad day, Ill use Safari too) So, I wrote t1ny.us Let’s say you visit http://www.reddit.com and you want a short url Just type http://t1ny.us/ in front of http://www.reddit.com (http://t1ny.us/http://www.reddit.com) and press enter. You will automatically get a short URL....
Congratulations: Top 10 Amazon Best Seller
Congrats to Ryan Allis for getting his book, Zero to One Million, to the top 10 Amazon Best Sellers. At the time of this post, his book is ranked #6!
Launch of Zero to One Million Book Today!
I don’t read books. Sure, I fill my day reading blogs, newspapers, magazines, but seldom do I have the time or energy to really sit down and delve into a book. My attention span is too short, and my leisure time so limited, that the idea of reading a book seems like a distant luxury. However, this is a book I will read. Full disclosure: Ryan Allis is my boss, and I count him as a friend. However, unlike other young entrepreneurs, there is something different about Ryan and what he has written about. Unlike most entrepreneurs still in their early twenties, Ryan has created multiple successful stories. What most people don’t realize is that his book Zero to One Million is in it’s third revision NOT because he didn’t do a good job editing the...
Reduced Click Area Yields Lower Profits
Due to a shocking below-expectations profits margin for the fourth Quarter, Google saw shares tumble, losing $11,000,000,000 in market value (yes, that is $11 Billion!). While I am certain that the down-turning economy played at least some role, I think that a new ad-system by Google may have also been responsible. In the final quarter of 2007, Google altered that ad-block for its popular cash-cows, Ad-Sense and Ad-Words, allowing only the title itself to be “clickable”. Previously, any part of the advertisement – the Title, Description, or Display URL – would trigger a hit if clicked upon by the user. As was outlined by the good folks at Efficient Frontier, and certainly backed up by our own statistics over especially the December...
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