What is search engine optimization?
Search engines are the primary entry point with which most of us reach the web. Whenever we want something on the internet, we go straight to Google, Bing, Yahoo or one of many other search engines to find what we are looking for. Search engine optimization is a series of marketing and technical techniques employed by webmasters or SEO (search engine optimization) professionals to improve their rankings and theirby increase their traffic from search engines. There are myrad factors that go into seeing an increase in rankings for any business. Some of these include… Increasing Pagerank: increase the number of links (backlinks) to your website from other websites to improve results. An HTML link is essentially a vote. Improving Design: An aesthetic, usable...
What is one way link building?
A link is the construction of the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) where a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is set in the SRC attribute of an A HREF tag. Link building is generally considered one of the most important parts of search engine optimization or SEO as Google and other search engines have long considered linking as an important part of their rankings algorithm . Historically, search engine marketers have attempted to manipulate links by finding ways to convince other webmasters to link building to them, thereby increasing the total number of links. One of the original methods of acquiring links was called reciprocal link building. This meant that one webmaster would build links to your site in exchange for you to build a link to their landing page....
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