Piwik Plug-in for SEO Tools Begun… Already tying in SEOMoz, Majestic & AHrefs

So, I wanted to keep a progress report going so I don’t lose site of my goals. It was pretty awesome to start working with Piwik plug-ins. I used the out-of-the-box Piwik SEO plug-in to create this first widget… If you are familiar with the SEOMoz, Majestic and AHRefs APIs, it literally takes only an hour or so to create your own widget that pulls the data directly into your Piwik analytics install.

Why I am Dropping Google Analytics in 2013 Piwik, Here I Come!

So, for 2013, I have officially dropped Google Analytics off of The Google Cache. There are a couple of reasons behind the decision, so I wanted to go ahead and drop them here… 1. It is not my data to give away. It took me a while to come to this conclusion. I always looked at Google Analytics as a trade off. I will let Google know about my site in exchange for a better way to visualize the usage on my site. But something kept nagging – and that was the reality that Google is not in the Analytics game for your site’s data. They are in the game for your users’ data. Chances are, your users have no idea that Google is collecting their usage data as they move through your site, and they definitely don’t understand the consequences of...

Five Ways to use Google for Franchise Opportunity Research

Many online marketers fail to see how their skill sets can improve the success of entrepreneurs both on-line and off-line. In particular, search engine marketing gives us an ability to peak into the wishes of consumers across the world. Not only does this give us an idea of their online interests, but when considered in tandem with geographical data, it gives us the ability to predict more intelligently where particular businesses may or may not succeed. In this discussion, we are going to look at franchising research: that is, how one can use Google Adwords, Google Analytics and Keyword Discovery to identify the best locations to start a particular business. We will try to give examples from 2 vantage points – the entrepreneur trying to decide which...

Google Analytics Gets a New Look

I must say I am pretty excited to get my hands on the new Google Analytics interface! It looks gorgeous and should make all the data mining a wee bit easier both on the eyes and on the time clock. If there is one thing that I am continually impressed about in relation to Google are the FREE tools they offer to the web community and the fact that they are attentive to these tools. From what I’ve seen (here too) there are some Ajax elements which allow of on the page restructuring as well as some enhanced reporting goodies that should help in making sense of the numbers… I received an email this morning and Google lists out some of the new features: Email and export reports: Schedule or send ad-hoc personalized report emails and export...