Spammer Vigilante

So check this out. Some guy at caught a spammer using his wi-fi and tracked the guy down. Now he is looking for suggestions on what to do to him or his property. Has it really come to this? That people are so violently in support of their right not to be comment-spammed that they would resort to such vigilante actions?


  1. Steve Gerard
    Jun 23, 2006

    I’m less blackhat than you are (although mine is getting darker and darker grey as time goes on) but in this incident the ‘thief’ is stealing his bandwidth, not to mention the fact his activities could potentially get this (legitimate?) guy’s IP banned from places too…

    Email spamming won’t likely use huge bandwidth resources (but could get his IP banned) but if this same guy or others started downloading movies for a month while the owner was at work, it could add up to a hefty internet provider charge… not to mention the problems he’d have if the guy was downloading kiddie porn via his IP address(!)

    Just a couple of thoughts and thanks for the heads up.


  2. so… who is the bigger fool? Some low life spammer or a dumb a$$ who knows enough to know how to use a packet sniffer but is smart enough to leave his wifi open to this kind of thing. Waite for the guy to come back and walk down and offer him some doughnuts and coffee because your both idiots.

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