Gmail 302 Hijacked…

Thanks to Jake Bohall, our Director of Sales, for noticing this due to a nasty Firefox 3.0 bug, requires that he type URLs into the Google Search App because the location bar no longer works.

It was years ago that the 302 hijack became a popularly abused method to steal rankings but, due to some apparant algo improvements and what I believe to be a well orchestrated misinformation campaign by either people who wanted to still abuse it or Google who didn’t have a good fix, the method seemed to disappear by-and-large.

However, the bug reared its ugly head again today, as itself was hijacked in Google.

As you can see,, or, are not ranking for the keyword in Google. Instead, the ranking is replaced by a spam blog on

The tell-tale 302 hijack can be diagnosed by the cached page, which is of

The perpetrator may have done this accidentally, however it appears that he did use spam-links to attempt to rank the site…

Good work Google! Lucky for Google, the owner of the blog has not replaced the content with something more malicious, like malware or a phishing site.

Update: It appears that Google has replaced the 302 redirect now with a 301 (they own and, supposedly, shut down the infringing account. This should clean up the issue quickly, but represents little relief for webmasters who do not have control over the spammer’s site.Also, for people who have never heard of a 302 hijack, here is a nice primer: The 302 Exploit

As of this morning, Google has fixed this particularly embarrassing hijack.


  1. Rajesh
    Aug 5, 2008

    So has google still not implemented a proper solution ?

  2. Jim Gaudet
    Aug 5, 2008

    Anyone can be spammed or hacked. At least they fixed it quickly.

  3. Pravish Thomas
    Aug 8, 2008

    Hi its a gr8 update,,,,,,
    302 has been done long time by spammers,,,,
    Google needs a permanent solution for the spammers,,,,,,

  4. Carlos Granier-Phelps
    Aug 25, 2008

    I’ve seen that Firefox bug many times and eventually found a website that mentioned it was caused by the extension. I uninstalled that particular add-on and haven’t seen the bug since. Is Jake using that extension as well?

  5. Visa Blackcard
    Feb 7, 2010

    nice work bro


  1. SERP’s For Gmail 302 Hijacked - [...] reported this last night that gMail is itself 302 Hijacked into Google [...]
  2. Gmail 302 Hijacked - [...] Gmail 302 Hijacked… 35 Cool Gmail Hacks [...]
  3. 302 hijacks | SEO PENTRU TOTI - [...] Aceasta este o problema reala si destul de greu de depistat. Curand, chiar Gmail a fost hijacked. [...]
  4. Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/3/08 | Proxy |Tech & Internet Blog - [...] Gmail got 302 hijacked. Oh, the humanity! [...]
  5. Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/3/08 | ContentChief - [...] Gmail got 302 hijacked. Oh, the humanity! [...]
  6. » Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/3/08 A+ Computer Professionals: SEO, Web Design, Hosting, Site and Script Installations and Modifications, PHP Coding, and Web Traffic - [...] Gmail got 302 hijacked. Oh, the humanity! [...]
  7. Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/3/08 | Increase Your Web Site Traffic - [...] Gmail got 302 hijacked. Oh, the humanity! [...]
  8. Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/3/08 | Trinitude Network - [...] Gmail got 302 hijacked. Oh, the humanity! [...]
  9. Online Marketing Blog » Blog Archive » Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/3/08 - [...] Gmail got 302 hijacked. Oh, the humanity! [...]
  10. SEO & SEM Feed Aggregator » Roundup Thursday for the Week of 8/3/08 - [...] Gmail got 302 hijacked. Oh, the humanity! [...]

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