A Cross-Browser, Bookmarklet Speed Reader
Yesterday, via both Digg and Reddit, I came upon Spreeder, a wonderful speed reading app. However, it has a major drawback. To use the application, you actually have to perform the speed reading on spreeder.com, taking you away from the page you need. You can either cut-and-paste content into their application, or use their bookmarklet that redirects you to their site after highlighting the text you want to read.
So, I took a few minutes to cobble together this app, which I think is a lot easier to use and far more simple. It is also cross-browser compliant for FireFox, Opera and Safari, no luck in IE as of yet.

Click and hold on the link below and drag it up to the bookmark bar If you click and release, the whole thing will be ruined. Just kidding, but it will look weird, because WordPress screws up the bookmarklet so I have to put it in the iframe below. If you want to go straight to the page with the bookmarklet on it, go here.
Hope you like!
have a way to vary the speed and I am sold 300 is too slow. Like a fat retard trying to fast talk.
Great ap though, thanks.
Joobly boobly Mc Sqain
Great app, thanks! Agree you should add some controls to adjust the speed. Also, why the 8 second delay?
Hi, I have found this website, is similar but it offers wide more options making the experience a bit easier. The name is http://www.shaks.ws. I found it very interesting, seems it offers more tools too. Thanks