Web Page Packrats: The Top 25 Del.icio.us Users…

As a casual user or del.icio.us (the popular web 2.0 bookmarking site), it always amazes me to see individuals who have even a few hundred bookmarks. My curiosity piqued, I took a few minutes to throw together a script that, in conjuction with Google and del.icio.us, was able to find some of the biggest users of del.icio.us. Below are the top 25 by my calculations, with estimates of the total number of bookmarks they have on del.icio.us. Did you make the list?

User Bookmarks
planetoid 10260
alancordova 10000
katiesays17 9930
julan 9450
yerfatma 7870
Preoccupations 7680
snfg 7440
tolvuvit 7390
maidenhalo 7310
yesmar 7120
tomz 6940
joaom 6630
mymarkup 6500
hustwj 6470
maratimba 6230
tsupo 6070
bswrchrd 6000
rblackwe 5350
owen 5240
erniesthings 5240
ravee_27 5230
shatter 5180
ade 5130
Colsen 5100
youpy 4990


  1. Camilo
    Dec 9, 2006

    Your script is missing something – because I am not there (cmo, 5542). And what about decafbad (deusx, 8057)?

  2. Katiesays17
    Dec 9, 2006

    This was and will be extremely useful for me as I am constantly in search of other users to be fans of – I love the feeling of discovering and being amazed by other delicious-ers finds. Thanks! Now if only I could get a job and do this, what I love, for a living !

  3. Fabrice
    Dec 11, 2006

    maybe you could improve your script and allow people enter a login so they could be told how hight they are ranking ?… a public online tool would be great !
    I wonder where I am…

  4. snfg
    Aug 14, 2007

    Yes! I made the list! What’d I win?

  5. Heshantha
    Feb 6, 2009

    Hello, I’m just curious about this list, Can you run the script again and email me the resulted Top 25 Users?

    It would be a great help.




  1. rascunho » Seção de dados do blog » links for 2006-12-12 - [...] Web Page Packrats: The Top 25 Del.icio.us Users… at TheGoogleCache (tags: www.thegooglecache.com 2006 at_tecp del.icio.us blogging top10) [...]
  2. Will Sullivan's Journerdism » Outsourcing journalists; Training the well-trained; Bribing your way onto Digg; Net Neutrality has hope - [...] Web Page Packrats: The Top 25 Del.icio.us Users… If these numbers are correct and I turned all my delicious…

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