MSN adCenter Updates Attack
Microsoft’s AdCenter just sent me an interesting email and posted a similar message on their AdCenter blog. Essentially they have revised their terms of service as they shift into their new line of features at AdCenter. There are 3 main points which they highlight as key changes:  Microsoft may use matching criteria other than keyword searches to display your advertisements. Microsoft may display your advertisements on its network of advertising channels operated by the Microsoft network of participating websites and other distribution outlets. The payment and reporting terms in your AdCenter agreement have been clarified to describe your rights. I must admit the first one kinda blew me away.ÂÂ...
How to Build Your Digg Reputation
The Digg community values reputation. Even now, after several upgrades and algorithmic changes, it is clear that individuals who use Digg the most (and use all of it’s features, not just voting) are able to get stories to the front page faster, easier, and more consistently than your average Digger. So, how exactly do you build your Digg reputation so that 50% of your stories hit the front page like a user such as DigitalGopher or MrBabyMan? Here are some tips to help you get started. Find, Make and Be Good to Friends: There is no substitute for having good relationships on Digg. By finding like-minded people, befriending them, and digging and commenting on the stories they add which you like, you increase both your participation on Digg, and the likelihood...
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