Web Page Packrats: The Top 25 Del.icio.us Users…

As a casual user or del.icio.us (the popular web 2.0 bookmarking site), it always amazes me to see individuals who have even a few hundred bookmarks. My curiosity piqued, I took a few minutes to throw together a script that, in conjuction with Google and del.icio.us, was able to find some of the biggest users of del.icio.us. Below are the top 25 by my calculations, with estimates of the total number of bookmarks they have on del.icio.us. Did you make the list? UserBookmarksplanetoid10260 alancordova10000 katiesays179930 julan9450 yerfatma7870 Preoccupations7680 snfg7440 tolvuvit7390 maidenhalo7310 yesmar7120 tomz6940 joaom6630 mymarkup6500 hustwj6470 maratimba6230 tsupo6070 bswrchrd6000 rblackwe5350 owen5240 erniesthings5240 ravee_275230 shatter5180 ade5130...

Surfing As GoogleBot – Their IP, Their User-Agent, Their Bot Characteristics

After reading this article and this article which give frustratingly over-simplifications on user-agent spoofing to get past cloaked websites, I figured I should write something on how to REALLY behave like Google. Cloaking often goes well beyond this, using IP delivery, User Agent cloaking, javascript and cookie detection, and referer detection – all of which can be used to determine that you are you and not a bot. So, how do you beat all 5 major types of cloaking? 1. Beat IP Delivery: Use Google Translate as a Proxy, translating from spanish->english even though the site is already in English. 2. Beat User-Agent Cloaking: Use the FirefoxUser-Agent Switcher to spoof as GoogleBot 3. Beat Javascript Detection: Use the Firefox Web Developer Toolbar to turn...